PADD Strasbourg


rue des Lilas

GPS 48.642819 7.724625

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Store manager: Pierre MOUHOT

Open hours :

  • monday 14:00 à 19:00
  • tuesday 10:00 à 19:00
  • wednesday 10:00 à 19:00
  • thursday 10:00 à 19:00
  • friday 10:00 à 19:00
  • saturday 9:00 à 18:00
  • Closed on sunday

Phone : +33 (0)3 88 18 40 50


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    Image 6 PADD Strasbourg
PADD Strasbourg

Presentation of the store chevron_right

Image 1 PADD Strasbourg
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    Image 1 PADD Strasbourg
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    Image 2 PADD Strasbourg
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    Image 3 PADD Strasbourg
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    Image 4 PADD Strasbourg
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    Image 5 PADD Strasbourg
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    Image 6 PADD Strasbourg

Store products & services chevron_right

Available items

Saddles and equipment, saddle clothes, shock-absorbing pads, bridles, bits, sheets, rugs, breeches, gloves, boots, half chaps, hats, head protections, competition jackets, parkas, raincoats, cleaning products, horse care, food, fence, obstacle poles, wheelbarrow, gift and jewelry, library, DVD...

Available brands

Aerowear, After Riding, Aigle, Akox, Apollo, Bates, Beaumont, Belstar, Casco, Choplin, CSO, Colorado springs, Cortina, Dainese, Effax, Effol, Equithème, Eric Thomas, Excelsior, Farnam, Feeling, Fleck, Fynalite, GPA, HAF, Heiniger, Highways, Hippo-Tonic, Ice Wibe, Jin stirrup, Jumptec, Lag, Las, Likit, Michel Vaillant, Mobiwasher, Norton, Officinalis, Optimum Time, Papo, Performance, Pessoa, Pikeur, Point Two, Polar, Professional Choice, Randol's, Riding World, RXR, Samshield, Savic, Schwenkel, Terry’s, Tredstep, Veredus, Viscositol, WeatherBeeta, Whip and Go, Wintec

Available services

Loyalty card, sharpening combs, saddle test, custom boots, repairs, used saddles, embroidery, gift vouchers

Access the store chevron_right

Close to the commercial area Vendenheim (Cora). On the A4: exit 49 Vendenheim / Mundolsheim, direction Mundolsheim then left at the roundabout 200m then turn right at the roundabout, 50m, 1st left, behind the Post Office.